Stars End S5E09

conversation as we discuss Foundation and Earth chapters 10, 11, and 12 which is to say, the entirety of Part IV: Solaria.

“There Are Old Legends of Life After Podcasting.”

I began our description of ⁠S3E18⁠, with “You know what? Solaria is weird.”

And here we are again on Solaria. It’s been twelve millennia and in the meantime, they’ve really leaned into the weirdness. The Solarians have been busy genetically engineering themselves into the quintessential Spacers. They’ve gone so far as to grow their own Tesla coils inside their own brains so that they can wirelessly power their robots. And that isn’t all! But don’t take my word for it! Read “Robots,” “Underground,” and “To the Surface” and see for yourself! Then join us here for the episode!

On another note, our first episode dropped on 26 April 2021. Thus, this episode marks the third anniversary of our podcast! To mark the occasion, here are two mug shots of Joseph’s cat Lavender at age 4 weeks and 108 weeks. These were taken right around our first and third anniversaries.

Thanks to everybody who has come along for the ride!

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